Monday, December 26, 2011

A Belated Merry Christmas

So I know Christmas was yesterday, but we were off at family celebrations on both Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I hope everyone who celebrates had a wonderful Christmas, and for those who don't celebrate, I hope you had a fabulous day.  Here are a few highlights of the yarnhoardinmama family Christmas.

What, no bickering between sisters?

A fun game for everyone.

Lucy got a new bed, complete with a bone toy and a fleece blanket.

A new outfit for her doll.
Let me defend my mom from that evil camera strap!
 It was not all about the gifts, but of course that is what we took the most pictures of.  We enjoyed times with both of our extended families as well. 

In other news, I'm working on knitting up a new toe-up sock design of my own.  The pattern is just going through the tweaking stage as I re-knit to make sure it came out clearly.  More news coming soon!

The free shipping sale is over at my Etsy shop, but there is still so much great handcrafted stuff for sale, that  I think you should still check it out.  And that concludes my shameless self-promotion.

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